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Standing and Student Loan Cancellation

As the public policy debate over broad student loan cancellation continues, many have questioned whether the Executive Branch has the legal authority to waive the federal government’s claim to up to $1.6 trillion in debt. Some have argued that loan …

By Jack V. Hoover
108 Va. L. Rev. Online 129

Lawmaking in the Legitimacy Gap: A Short History of the Supreme Court’s Interpretive Finality

Despite bestowing an epic name upon the nation’s highest tribunal, the Constitution says precious little about the weight that we must accord to its constitutional decisions. That silence has spawned serious division among jurists and scholars. Some …

By Christian Talley
108 Va. L. Rev. Online 112

The Runaway Presidential Power over Diplomacy

The President claims exclusive control over diplomacy within our constitutional system. Relying on this claim, executive branch lawyers repeatedly reject congressional mandates regarding international engagement. In their view, Congress cannot …

By Jean Galbraith
108 Va. L. Rev. 81

Punitive Surveillance

Budget constraints, bipartisan desire to address mass incarceration, and the COVID-19 crisis in prisons have triggered state and federal officials to seek alternatives to incarceration. As a result, invasive electronic surveillance—such as …

By Kate Weisburd
108 Va. L. Rev. 147

RFRA at the Border: Immigration’s Entry Fiction and Religious Free Exercise

RFRA and RLUIPA have greatly enhanced the religious free exercise rights of individuals, but it is not clear that all immigrants in detention in the United States are able to claim these protections. One lower court has applied the entry fiction …

By Abby Porter
108 Va. L. Rev. 223

The Banker Removal Power

The Federal Reserve (“the Fed”) can remove bankers from office if they violate the law, engage in unsafe or unsound practices, or breach their fiduciary duties. The Fed, however, has used this power so rarely that few even realize it exists. …

By Da Lin & Lev Menand
108 Va. L. Rev. 1

Gender Differences in Law School Classroom Participation: The Key Role of Social Context

Even though women make up roughly half of the students enrolled in law school today, they do not take up roughly half of the speaking time in law school classes. “Speak Up” and similar studies that have been conducted at several law schools …

By Molly Bishop Shadel, Sophie Trawalter & J.H. Verkerke
108 Va. L. Rev. Online 30

Feminist Legal History and Legal Pedagogy

Women are mere trace elements in the traditional law school curriculum. They exist only on the margins of the canonical cases. Built on masculine norms, traditional modes of legal pedagogy involve appellate cases that overwhelmingly involve men as …

By Paula A. Monopoli
108 Va. L. Rev. Online 91

The Contextual Case Method: Moving Beyond Opinions to Spark Students’ Legal Imaginations

A new student arrives at law school for her 1L year. She knows it sounds corny, but she’s here to make the world a better place. She’s seen injustice and tragedy (George Floyd, Parkland, climate change). She’s protested with Black Lives Matter and …

By Sherri Lee Keene & Susan A. McMahon
108 Va. L. Rev. Online 72

The Gender Participation Gap and the Politics of Pedagogy

“Speak Up” and similar studies documented something that many thought they already knew about large law school classes: Male students talk a heck of a lot more than female students do. A recent study of the University of Virginia School of Law adds …

By Anne M. Coughlin and Molly Bishop Shadel
108 Va. L. Rev. Online 55


This symposium about the future of legal pedagogy could not be more timely. Its four thought-provoking papers raise a constellation of questions about how law schools educate lawyers and toward what purposes. These papers describe and assess the …

By Risa Goluboff
108 Va. L. Rev. Online 24
Civil Rights, Employment Law

Not the Standard You’re Looking For: But-For Causation in Anti-Discrimination Law

In the summer of 2020, the Supreme Court decided the blockbuster case Bostock v. Clayton County, holding that Title VII prohibits employment discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity. The opinion, authored by Justice Neil …

By Guha Krishnamurthi
108 Va. L. Rev. Online 1

Some Notes on Courts and Courtesy

This Essay is a short reflection on misgendering by judges, told through a critical assessment of three cases from the Fifth and Eighth Circuits: Gibson v. Collier, United States v. Varner, and United States v. Thomason. In the trio, judges refused …

By Chan Tov McNamarah
107 Va. L. Rev. Online 317

The But-For Theory of Anti-Discrimination Law

Discrimination law has long been in theoretical crisis. Its central theory—disparate treatment law—has no agreed-upon core principles. Because prevailing theories of discrimination once treated “disparate treatment” and “discriminatory intent” as …

By Katie Eyer
107 Va. L. Rev. 1621

Excited Delirium and Police Use of Force

Excited delirium is often described as a psychiatric illness characterized by a sudden onset of extreme agitation, confusion, and aggression that can make people irrationally combative and dangerous. Since its inception in the 1980s, this medical …

By Osagie K. Obasogie
107 Va. L. Rev. 1545

The Lost Judicial Review Function of the Speech and Debate Clause

The prevailing understanding of the Speech or Debate Clause of the United States Constitution is that it was transplanted without significant modification from Article 9 of the English Bill of Rights of 1689. This Note challenges that view by …

By Erin Brown
107 Va. L. Rev. 1777

Liberalism and Disagreement in American Constitutional Theory

For forty years, American constitutional theory has been viewed as a clash between originalists and non-originalists. This depiction misunderstands and oversimplifies the nature of the debate within constitutional theory. Although originalism and …

By J. Joel Alicea
107 Va. L. Rev. 1171

Universal Injunctions: Why Not Follow the Rule?

Over the last several years, a debate has flared up over universal injunctions, court orders that purport to benefit individuals across the nation, including vast numbers of people not party to the litigation from which the injunction issues. …

By George Rutherglen
107 Va. L. Rev. Online 300

Black Women’s Hair and Natural Hairstyles in the Workplace: Expanding the Definition of Race Under Title VII

interpretation of Title VII as including cultural characteristics often associated with race or ethnicity, Black women have not successfully litigated the freedom to wear their hair in natural hairstyles in the workplace. Courts have held that …

By Doriane S. Nguenang Tchenga
107 Va. L. Rev. Online 272

Reclaiming the Right to Know: The Case for Considering Derivative Benefits in FOIA’s Personal Privacy Exemptions

The Freedom of Information Act provides the public with a statutory right to access troves of government information with nine limited exemptions. Two of those exemptions—Exemption 6 and Exemption 7(C)—protect the personal privacy of people …

By Robert Frey
107 Va. L. Rev. 1499