Browse Articles

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The Shareholder Franchise is Not a Myth: A Response to Professor Bebchuk

By E. Norman Veasey
93 Va. L. Rev. 811

The Mythical Benefit of Shareholder Control

By Lynn A. Stout
93 Va. L. Rev. 789

Professor Bebchuk’s Brave New World: A Reply to “The Myth of the Shareholder Franchise”

By John F. Olson
93 Va. L. Rev. 773

Too Many Notes and Not Enough Votes: Lucian Bebchuk and Emperor Joseph II Kvetch About Contested Director Elections and Mozart’s Seraglio

By Jonathan R. Macey
93 Va. L. Rev. 759

The Many Myths of Lucian Bebchuk

By Martin Lipton & William Savitt
93 Va. L. Rev. 733

The Myth of the Shareholder Franchise

By Lucian A. Bebchuk
93 Va. L. Rev. 675

International Human Rights in American Courts

By William A. Fletcher
93 Va. L. Rev. 653

Treaties’ Domains

By Tim Wu
93 Va. L. Rev. 571

Economic and Legal Boundaries of Firms

By George G. Triantis & Edward M. Iacobucci
93 Va. L. Rev. 515

Authorized Generics: A Prescription for Hatch-Waxman Reform

By Tom Chen
93 Va. L. Rev. 459

Mens Rea and the Cost of Ignorance

By Assaf Hamdani
93 Va. L. Rev. 415

The Temporal Dimension of Voting Rights

By Adam B. Cox
93 Va. L. Rev. 361

Transparency and Determinacy in Common Law Adjudication: A Philosophical Defense of Explanatory Economic Analysis

By Jody S. Kraus
93 Va. L. Rev. 287

How to Construe a Hybrid Statute

By Jonathan Marx
93 Va. L. Rev. 235

Why Summary Judgment is Unconstitutional

By Suja A. Thomas
93 Va. L. Rev. 139

The Missing Interest: Restoration of the Contractual Equivalence

By Eyal Zamir
93 Va. L. Rev. 59

Ambivalence About Formalism

By Jonathan T. Molot
93 Va. L. Rev. 1

Of Punitive Damages, Tax Deductions, and Tax-Aware Juries: A Response to Polsky and Markel

By Lawrence Zelenak
96 Va. L. Rev. Online 61

Federal Suits and General Laws: A Comment on Judge Fletcher’s Reading of Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain

By Ernest A. Young
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 33

McDonald’s Other Right

By Samuel Wiseman
97 Va. L. Rev. Online 23