Browse Articles

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Criminal Law’s “Mediating Rules”: Balancing, Harmonization, or Accident?

By Michael T. Cahill
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 199

Purposes and Effects in Criminal Law

By Samuel W. Buell
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 215

The Multifarious Politics of Capital Punishment: A Response to Smith

By Darryl K. Brown
94 Va. L. Rev. Online 57

The Market for Union Services: Reframing the Debate

By Matthew T. Bodie
94 Va. L. Rev. Online 23

Schrödinger’s Cross: The Quantum Mechanics of the Establishment Clause

By Joseph Blocher
96 Va. L. Rev. Online 51

The Persistence of Boundaries: A Reply to Rosen-Zvi and Fisher

By Alexander J. Blenkinsopp
94 Va. L. Rev. Online 75

Deterrence, Retributivism, and the Law of Evidence

By Richard A. Bierschbach & Alex Stein
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 189

Accentuate the Positive: Are Good Intentions an Effective Way to Minimize Systemic Workplace Bias?

By William T. Bielby
95 Va. L. Rev. Online 117

Separating Retribution from Proportionality: A Response to Stinneford

By William W. Berry III
97 Va. L. Rev. Online 61

Sosa, Federal Question Jurisdiction, and Historical Fidelity

By Anthony J. Bellia Jr.
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 15

Does the Structure of the Franchise Tax Matter?

By Michal Barzuza
96 Va. L. Rev. Online 27

Pleasant Grove v. Summum: Losing the Battle to Win the War

By Ian Bartrum
95 Va. L. Rev. Online 43

Tiered Originality and the Dualism of Copyright Incentives

By Shyamkrishna Balganesh
95 Va. L. Rev. Online 67

The Networked—Yet Still Hierarchical—Family

By Susan Frelich Appleton
94 Va. L. Rev. Online 31

Warming Up to Climate Change Litigation

By Jonathan H. Adler
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 63

The Principal Problem: Towards a More Limited Role for Fiduciary Law in the Nonprofit Sector

By Natalie Brown
99 Va. L. Rev. 879

The Dark Side of Town: The Social Capital Revolution in Residential Property Law

By Stephanie M. Stern
99 Va. L. Rev. 811

A Constitutional Theory of Habeas Power

By Lee Kovarsky
99 Va. L. Rev. 753

Constitutional Privileging

By Michael Coenen
99 Va. L. Rev. 683

The Political Economy of Financial Rulemaking After Business Roundtable

By Jonathan D. Guynn
99 Va. L. Rev. 641