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One Hundred Years of Law Reviewed

By Ronald J. Fisher
100 Va. L. Rev. 1

To Say What The Law Is: Rules, Results, and the Dangers of Inferential Stare Decisis

By Adam N. Steinman
99 Va. L. Rev. 1737

Self-Proving Causation

By Kenneth S. Abraham
99 Va. L. Rev. 1811

Historical Gloss and Congressional Power: Control Over Access to National Security Secrets

By Jared Cole
99 Va. L. Rev. 1855

Why Do Juries Decide If Patents Are Valid?

By Mark A. Lemley
99 Va. L. Rev. 1673

An Empirical Analysis of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

By Anne H. Lippitt
99 Va. L. Rev. 1893

National Security Trials: A Judge’s Perspective

By T.S. Ellis, III
99 Va. L. Rev. 1607

Malicious Prosecution Claims in Section 1983 Lawsuits

By Lyle Kossis
99 Va. L. Rev. 1635

Inferred Classifications

By Stephen M. Rich
99 Va. L. Rev. 1525

The Imbecilic Executive

By Saikrishna Bangalore Prakash
99 Va. L. Rev. 1361

Standing for the Structural Constitution

By Aziz Z. Huq
99 Va. L. Rev. 1435

Ten Things the 2012–13 Term Tells Us About the Roberts Court

By A. E. Dick Howard
99 Va. L. Rev. Online 48

Breaking Bankruptcy Priority: How Rent-Seeking Upends the Creditors’ Bargain

By Mark J. Roe and Frederick Tung
99 Va. L. Rev. 1235

Policing Procedure Before Substance: Reforming Judicial Review of the Factual Predicates to Legislation

By David Parker
99 Va. L. Rev. 1327

Forgotten But Not Lost: The Original Public Meaning of Section 4 of the Fourteenth Amendment

By Stuart McCommas
99 Va. L. Rev. 1291

Tax in the Cathedral: Property Rules, Liability Rules, and Tax

By Andrew Blair-Stanek
99 Va. L. Rev. 1169

On Derivatives Markets and Social Welfare: A Theory of Empty Voting and Hidden Ownership

By Jordan M. Barry, John William Hatfield, and Scott Duke Kominers
99 Va. L. Rev. 1103

United States v. Windsor And The Role Of State Law In Defining Rights Claims

By Ernest A. Young
99 Va. L. Rev. Online 39

Against Religious Institutionalism

By Richard Schragger and Micah Schwartzman
99 Va. L. Rev. 917

Defending (Religious) Institutionalism

By Paul Horwitz
99 Va. L. Rev. 1049