Browse Articles

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Sosa and Substantive Solutions to Jurisdictional Problems

By John Harrison
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 23

Counterinsurgency, The War on Terror, And The Laws of War: A Response

By David E. Graham
95 Va. L. Rev. Online 79

The Lost Promise of Civil Rights

By Risa L. Goluboff
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 85

Get in the Game or Get out of the Way: Fixing the Politics of Death

By Adam M. Gershowitz
94 Va. L. Rev. Online 51

Rediscovering Dangerousness: The Expanded Scope of Reasonable Deadly Force After Scott v. Harris

By Andrew T. George
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 145

United States v. Goliath

By Brandon L. Garrett
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 105

International Human Rights in American Courts

By William A. Fletcher
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 1

“For Profit Charity”: Not Quite Ready for Prime Time

By Victor Fleischer
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 231

Thoughts on Treating Union Representation Processes as a Market in Need of Legally Required Disclosure of Information

By Catherine L. Fisk
94 Va. L. Rev. Online 1

Compensating the Victims of Catastrophe: The Virginia Tech Victims Assistance Program

By Kenneth R. Feinberg
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 181

Some Reflections on Custom in the IP Universe

By Richard A. Epstein
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 223

Cautious Contextualism: A Response to Nelson Tebbe’s Nonbelievers Article

By Mary Jean Dolan
98 Va. L. Rev. Online 32

Pleading Standards After Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly

By Scott Dodson
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 135

How Lax is Nevada Corporate Law? A Response to Professor Barzuza

By Jens Dammann
98 Va. L. Rev. Online 108

The Temporal Dimension of Voting Rights

By Adam B. Cox
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 41

Of Coerced Waiver, Government Leverage, and Corporate Loyalty: The Holder, Thompson, and McNulty Memos and Their Critics

By George M. Cohen
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 153

The Perils of Evidentiary Manipulation

By Edward K. Cheng
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 207

What’s Wrong with Democracy? A Critique of “The Supreme Court and the Politics of Death”

By Paul G. Cassell and Joshua K. Marquis
94 Va. L. Rev. Online 65

Massachusetts v. EPA: The Inconvenient Truth About Precedent

By Ronald A. Cass
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 75

The Significance of Massachusetts v. EPA

By Jonathan Z. Cannon
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 53