Browse Articles

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Jurisprudence and (Its) History

By Charles Barzun and Dan Priel
101 Va. L. Rev. 849

Jurisprudence, the Sociable Science

By Gerald J. Postema
101 Va. L. Rev. 869

Jurisprudence, History, and the Institutional Quality of Law

By Nicola Lacey
101 Va. L. Rev. 919

The Path-Dependence of Legal Positivism

By Frederick Schauer
101 Va. L. Rev. 957

Toward Classical Legal Positivism

By Dan Priel
101 Va. L. Rev. 987

Sovereignty and Subversion

By Alice Ristroph
101 Va. L. Rev. 1029

The Constitution and the Philosophy of Language: Entailment, Implicature, and Implied Powers

The main purpose of this Article is to begin to recover and elucidate the core textual basis of a progressive approach to constitutional law, which appears to have been embraced in essential respects by many influential figures, including Wilson, …

By John Mikhail
101 Va. L. Rev. 1063

Intellectual History as Constitutional Theory

By Lawrence B. Solum
101 Va. L. Rev. 1111

Marx, Law, Ideology, Legal Positivism

By Brian Leiter
101 Va. L. Rev. 1179

The Changing Face of the Supreme Court

By A. E. Dick Howard
101 Va. L. Rev. 231

The Case Against Federalizing Trade Secrecy

By Christopher B. Seaman
101 Va. L. Rev. 317

Contaminated Confessions Revisited

By Brandon L. Garrett
101 Va. L. Rev. 395

The Significance of Parental Domicile Under the Citizenship Clause

By Justin Lollman
101 Va. L. Rev. 455

What Killed the Violence Against Women Act’s Civil Rights Remedy Before the Supreme Court Did?

By Caroline S. Schmidt
101 Va. L. Rev. 501

At the Frontier of the Younger Doctrine: Reflections on Google v. Hood

By Gil Seinfeld
101 Va. L. Rev. Online 14

The Corporate Settlement Mill

By Dana A. Remus and Adam S. Zimmerman
101 Va. L. Rev. 129

Eliminating the Single-Entity Rule in Joint Infringement Cases: Liability for the Last Step

By Ben Aiken
101 Va. L. Rev. 193

Patent Experimentalism

By Lisa Larrimore Ouellette
101 Va. L. Rev. 65

The Legitimacy Of (Some) Federal Common Law

By Caleb Nelson
101 Va. L. Rev. 1

Bad Actors and the Evolution of Patent Law

Historically high levels of abusive patent enforcement fuel an ongoing debate on the need for legislative and judicial reforms designed to deter bad faith conduct by patent holders. To date, this debate has focused intently on the direct monetary …

By Brian J. Love
101 Va. L. Rev. Online 1