For over one hundred years, the Virginia Law Review has been one of the most prestigious publications of the legal profession.

On April 23, 1913, the Virginia Law Review was permanently organized. Volume I carries this foreword:
With this number the Virginia Law Review begs to introduce itself to an indulgent public. The editorial work is entirely in the hands of . . . students, not one of whom has had previous experience with work of this character. It is hoped that the crudities of this first effort in the line of published comment on the work of the courts may be less glaring in the future numbers when the editors have become more experienced.
In 2013, the Virginia Law Review entered its hundredth year as one of the most respected student legal periodicals in the country. It is published eight times a year, in March, April, May, June, September, October, November, and December. Its objective is to publish a professional periodical devoted to law-related issues that can be of use to judges, practitioners, teachers, legislators, students, and others interested in the law. To that end, the Virginia Law Review has been privileged to publish timely, influential, and ground-breaking pieces, developing a reputation for excellence in scholarship and conscientiousness in editing.
The editors at the Virginia Law Review take seriously this tradition of excellence. The Virginia Law Review places a premium on accuracy in all respects—in propositions of law, points of grammar and usage, forms of citation, and analytical reasoning. Our editors are also dedicated to being professional, prompt, and pleasant in working with both professional and student authors.
Fulfilling this commitment to excellence requires the inclusion of members from different backgrounds and with different perspectives. To foster an inclusive organization, we aim to expand the representation of the UVA Law student body accepted onto the Virginia Law Review and leverage the diversity of our membership to produce the best possible product.