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On Lenity: What Justice Gorsuch Didn’t Say

Facially neutral doctrines create racially disparate outcomes. Increasingly, legal academia and mainstream commentators recognize that this is by design. The rise of this colorblind racism in Supreme Court jurisprudence parallels the rise of the War …

By Brandon Hasbrouck
108 Va. L. Rev. 1289

The Common Law of Interpretation

Courts and commentators have claimed that there is no methodological stare decisis. That is, the Supreme Court’s decision to use purposivism or textualism to interpret a legal text in one case is not binding in future cases. While a contrarian …

By Christopher J. Baldacci
108 Va. L. Rev. 1243

Stakeholderism, Corporate Purpose, and Credible Commitment

One of the most significant recent phenomena in corporate governance is the embrace, by some of the most influential actors in the corporate community, of the view that corporations should be focused on furthering the interests of all corporate …

By Lisa M. Fairfax
108 Va. L. Rev. 1163

Debunking the Nondelegation Doctrine for State Regulation of Federal Elections

One objection to the conduct of the 2020 election concerned the key role played by state executives in setting election rules. Governors and elections officials intervened to change a host of regulations, from ballot deadlines to polling times, …

By Mark S. Krass
108 Va. L. Rev. 1091

On Lenity: What Justice Gorsuch Didn’t Say

Facially neutral doctrines create racially disparate outcomes. Increasingly, legal academia and mainstream commentators recognize that this is by design. The rise of this colorblind racism in Supreme Court jurisprudence parallels the rise of the War …

By Brandon Hasbrouck
108 Va. L. Rev. Online 239
Constitutional Law, Fourth Amendment

Permission to Destroy: How a Historical Understanding of Property Rights can Reign in Consent Searches

Consent searches are by far the most common tool to circumvent the Fourth Amendment’s warrant requirement. Though police officers have the property owner’s permission, the searches they conduct are not always harmless. Without probable cause or …

By Eva Lilienfeld & Kimberly Veklerov
108 Va. L. Rev. 1055
Corporate Law, Insurance

Changing Guards: Improving Corporate Governance with D&O Insurer Rotations

Almost all public companies buy insurance for their directors and officers. D&O insurers should be active gatekeepers for the corporation, since they lose money if executives misbehave, but all available evidence suggests the opposite: insurers …

By Andrew Verstein
108 Va. L. Rev. 983
Bankruptcy, Finance & Banking

A Modern Poor Debtor’s Oath

Bankruptcy offers a fresh start that frees individuals from crushing debt burdens. Many insolvent Americans are, however, simply too poor to afford bankruptcy. Filing for even the simplest type of bankruptcy costs around $1,800, with most of this …

By Richard M. Hynes & Nathaniel Pattison
108 Va. L. Rev. 915
Federal Courts, Jurisprudence Theory

Judicial Minimalism in the Lower Courts

Debate about the virtues and vices of “judicial minimalism” is evergreen. But as is often the case in public law, that debate so far has centered on the Supreme Court. Minimalism arose and has been defended as a theory about how Justices should …

By Thomas P. Schmidt
108 Va. L. Rev. 829
Constitutional Law, Separation of Powers

Vagueness and Nondelegation

The void-for-vagueness doctrine and the nondelegation doctrine share an intuitive connection: when Congress drafts vague statutes, it delegates lawmaking authority to courts and the executive. In three recent cases, the Supreme Court gave expression …

By Arjun Ogale
108 Va. L. Rev. 783
Criminal Justice, Criminal Law

Pretrial Detention and the Value of Liberty

How dangerous must a person be to justify the state in locking her up for the greater good? The bail reform movement, which aspires to limit pretrial detention to the truly dangerous—and which has looked to algorithmic risk assessments to quantify …

By Megan T. Stevenson & Sandra G. Mayson
108 Va. L. Rev. 709
Contracts, Corporate Law

Collaborative Intent

Why do parties—even sophisticated ones—draft contracts that are vague or incomplete? Many others have tackled this question, but this Article argues that there is an overlooked, common, and powerful reason for contractual gaps. Using original …

By Cathy Hwang
108 Va. L. Rev. 657
Constitutional Law, Corporate Law, Fourteenth Amendment, Legal History

Frankenstein’s Baby: The Forgotten History of Corporations, Race, and Equal Protection

This Article highlights the crucial role corporations played in crafting an expansive interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment. Exposing the role of race in the history of the constitutional law of corporate personhood for the first time, this …

By Evelyn Atkinson
108 Va. L. Rev. 581

A Corpus Linguistic Analysis of “Foreign Tribunal”

In March, the United States Supreme Court heard a case involving the issue of whether a private arbitration panel in another country is covered by the statutory phrase “foreign or international tribunal.” The statutory language, enacted in 1964, …

By James C. Phillips & Jesse Egbert
108 Va. L. Rev. Online 207

Antideference: COVID, Climate, and the Rise of the Major Questions Canon

Skepticism on the Supreme Court toward administrative authority has evolved into open hostility over the course of the past year in two cases related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The legal vehicle was not, as widely expected, rejection of Chevron’s …

By Nathan Richardson
108 Va. L. Rev. Online 174

Proving Causation in Clinical Research Negligence

Investigators conducting clinical research create a risk of harm to their human subjects. The common law recognizes a variety of duties that these investigators owe to their subjects. When they breach these duties, such as by negligently designing …

By Stephen Paul
108 Va. L. Rev. 535

The Original Meaning of “Due Process of Law” in the Fifth Amendment

The modern understanding of the Fifth Amendment Due Process of Law Clause is dramatically different from the original meaning of the constitutional text. The Supreme Court has embraced both substantive due process—a jurisprudence of unenumerated …

By Max Crema & Lawrence B. Solum
108 Va. L. Rev. 447

Equal Speech Protection

Political speech is not special. No type of speech is. First Amendment doctrine ubiquitously claims to value speech on a hierarchy, with political speech occupying the highest and most-protected position, followed by commercial speech and speech on …

By Francesca L. Procaccini
108 Va. L. Rev. 353

Statutory History

The New Textualism championed by the late Justice Scalia is perhaps best known for its insistence that courts should not consult legislative history when interpreting statutes. Indeed, Justice Scalia himself was famous for dissenting from …

By Anita S. Krishnakumar
108 Va. L. Rev. 263

Reevaluating School Policing

School police, often referred to as school resource officers (“SROs”), contribute to a pattern called the school-to-prison pipeline, through which Black and brown children are diverted from classrooms and into the criminal justice system. In schools …

By Catherine A. Ward
108 Va. L. Rev. Online 152