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Expanding Congressional Power in Gonzales v. Carhart

By Justin Weinstein-Tull
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 165

Remaking Lawrence

By Jill D. Weinberg
98 Va. L. Rev. Online 61

Deferred Prosecution Agreements: A View From the Trenches and a Proposal for Reform

By F. Joseph Warin & Andrew S. Boutros
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 121

The Supreme Court, Original Habeas, and the Paradoxical Virtue of Obscurity

By Stephen I. Vladeck
97 Va. L. Rev. Online 31

The Constitutional Foundation for Fact Deference in National Security Cases

By Robert F. Turner
95 Va. L. Rev. Online 87

Who’s In the Club?: A Response to Oliar and Sprigman

By Katherine J. Strandburg
95 Va. L. Rev. Online 1

State Judicial Elections and the Limits of Calibrating Access to the Federal Courts

By Michael E. Solimine
96 Va. L. Rev. Online 41

Does Equity Pass the Laugh Test?: A Response to Oliar and Sprigman

By Henry E. Smith
95 Va. L. Rev. Online 9

The Immortality of Equitable Balancing

By David Schoenbrod
96 Va. L. Rev. Online 17

Wal-Mart, AT&T Mobility, and the Decline of the Deterrent Class Action

By George Rutherglen
98 Va. L. Rev. Online 24

Why Custom Cannot Save Copyright’s Fair Use Defense

By Jennifer E. Rothman
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 243

Custom, Comedy, and the Value of Dissent

By Jennifer E. Rothman
95 Va. L. Rev. Online 19

The Boundaries Are Dead, Long Live the Boundaries!

By Issachar Rosen-Zvi & Talia Fisher
94 Va. L. Rev. Online 85

Rights and Realities

By Laura A. Rosenbury
94 Va. L. Rev. Online 39

Institutional Competence and Organizational Prosecutions

By Daniel Richman
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 115

Revisiting the Taxation of Punitive Damages

By Gregg D. Polsky & Dan Markel
97 Va. L. Rev. Online 73

What Kind of Right is “the Right to Vote”?

By Richard H. Pildes
93 Va. L. Rev. Online 45

From Corn to Norms: How IP Entitlements Affect What Stand-Up Comedians Create

By Dotan Oliar & Christopher Sprigman
95 Va. L. Rev. Online 57

Massive Hard Drives, General Warrants, and the Power of Magistrate Judges

By Paul Ohm
97 Va. L. Rev. Online 1

The Confrontation Clause and the High Stakes of the Court’s Consideration of Briscoe v. Virginia

By Stephen Wills Murphy and Darryl K. Brown
95 Va. L. Rev. Online 97