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Jurisdictional Exceptionalism

By Michael G. Collins
93 Va. L. Rev. 1829

Democratic Failure and Emergencies: Myth or Reality?

By James McDonald
93 Va. L. Rev. 1785

Not-So-Serious Threats to Judicial Independence

By William H. Pryor, Jr.
93 Va. L. Rev. 1759

The People or the State?: Chisholm v. Georgia and Popular Sovereignty

By Randy E. Barnett
93 Va. L. Rev. 1729

What is Standing Good For?

By Eugene Kontorovich
93 Va. L. Rev. 1663

Domesticating Sole Executive Agreements

By Bradford R. Clark
93 Va. L. Rev. 1573

Putting Pretext in Context: Employment Discrimination, the Same-Actor Inference, and the Proper Roles of Judges and Juries

By Ross Goldman
93 Va. L. Rev. 1533

Originalism, Popular Sovereignty, and Reverse Stare Decisis

By Kurt Lash
93 Va. L. Rev. 1437

Fair Use Harbors

By Gideon Parchomovsky & Kevin Goldman
93 Va. L. Rev. 1483

The (Hidden) Risk of Opportunistic Precautions

By Ehud Guttel
93 Va. L. Rev. 1389

“The Dean of Chicago’s Black Lawyers”: Earl Dickerson and Civil Rights Lawyering in the Years Before Brown

By Jay Tidmarsh & Stephen Robinson
93 Va. L. Rev. 1355

Rethinking Ableman v. Booth and States’ Rights in Wisconsin

By Jeffrey Schmitt
93 Va. L. Rev. 1315

Extraterritorial Patent Enforcement and Multinational Patent Litigation: Proposed Guidelines for U.S. Courts

By Kendra Robins
93 Va. L. Rev. 1259

Mediating Rules in Criminal Law

By Richard A. Bierschbach and Alex Stein
93 Va. L. Rev. 1197

Religion and Public Education in a Constitutional Democracy

By Robert Audi
93 Va. L. Rev. 1175

Anticipated Judicial Vacancies and the Power to Nominate

By Matthew Madden
93 Va. L. Rev. 1135

Entrapment, Punishment, and the Sadistic State

By Andrew Carlon
93 Va. L. Rev. 1081

Delegation Really Running Riot

By Larry Alexander and Saikrishna Prakash
93 Va. L. Rev. 1035

Cooperative Localism: Federal-Local Collaboration in an Era of State Sovereignty

By Nestor M. Davidson
93 Va. L. Rev. 959

Structural Reform Prosecution

By Brandon L. Garrett
93 Va. L. Rev. 853