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Intent to Contract

By Gregory Klass
95 Va. L. Rev. 1437

National Security Fact Deference

By Robert M. Chesney
95 Va. L. Rev. 1361

The Hapless Ecosystem: A Federalist Argument in Favor of an Ecosystem Approach to the Endangered Species Act

By Scott Schwartz
95 Va. L. Rev. 1325

Is O Centro Really A Sign of Hope for RFRA Claimants?

By Matt Nicholson
95 Va. L. Rev. 1281

Full Faith and Credit in the Early Congress

By Stephen E. Sachs
95 Va. L. Rev. 1201

Standing for the Public: A Lost History

By M. Elizabeth Magill
95 Va. L. Rev. 1131

An Empirical Examination of Business Outsourcing Transactions

By George S. Geis
96 Va. L. Rev. 241

When Injury Is Unavoidable: The Vaccine Act’s Limited Preemption of Design Defect Claims

By Nitin Shah
96 Va. L. Rev. 199

Reasonable Agencies

By David Zaring
96 Va. L. Rev. 135

A Requiem for the Retail Investor?

By Alicia Davis Evans
95 Va. L. Rev. 1105

Whither the SEC Now?

By Brian G. Cartwright
95 Va. L. Rev. 1085

The SEC, Retail Investors, and the Institutionalization of the Securities Markets

By Donald C. Langevoort
95 Va. L. Rev. 1025

Treatment Differences and Political Realities in the GAAP-IFRS Debate

By William W. Bratton and Lawrence A. Cunningham
95 Va. L. Rev. 989

Coping in a Global Marketplace: Survival Strategies for a 75-Year-Old SEC

By James D. Cox
95 Va. L. Rev. 941

The Securities Laws and the Mechanics of Legal Change

By Barry Cushman
95 Va. L. Rev. 927

Securities Law and the New Deal Justices

By A.C. Pritchard and Robert B. Thompson
95 Va. L. Rev. 841

Close Enough for Government Work: The Committee Rulemaking Game

By Paul J. Stanci
96 Va. L. Rev. 69

Commentary On Redesigning The SEC: Does The Treasury Have A Better Idea?

By Steven M.H. Wallman
95 Va. L. Rev. 825

Placebo Ethics

By Usha Rodrigues∗ and Mike Stegemoller
96 Va. L. Rev. 1

Top Cop or Regulatory Flop? The SEC at 75

By Jill E. Fisch
95 Va. L. Rev. 785