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The Limits of Procedural Private Ordering

By Jaime Dodge
97 Va. L. Rev. 723

Yoder Revisited: Why the Landmark Amish Schooling Case Could—And Should—Be Overturned

By Gage Raley
97 Va. L. Rev. 681

Participatory Democracy as the Basis of American Free Speech Doctrine: A Reply

By James Weinstein
97 Va. L. Rev. 633

Participatory Democracy as a Theory of Free Speech: A Reply

By Robert Post
97 Va. L. Rev. 617

Democracy, Freedom of Speech, and Feminist Theory: A Response to Post and Weinstein

By Susan H. Williams
97 Va. L. Rev. 603

In Defense of the Marketplace of Ideas / Search for Truth as a Theory of Free Speech Protection

By Eugene Volokh
97 Va. L. Rev. 595

The Trouble With “Public Discourse” as a Limitation on Free Speech Rights

By Eugene Volokh
97 Va. L. Rev. 567

Dissent, Democratic Participation, and First Amendment Methodology

By Steven Shiffrin
97 Va. L. Rev. 559

Methodology in Free Speech Theory

By Seana Valentine Shiffrin
97 Va. L. Rev. 549

Why Not Base Free Speech on Autonomy or Democracy?

By T.M. Scanlon
97 Va. L. Rev. 541

Democratic Participation and the Freedom of Speech: A Response to Post and Weinstein

By Vincent Blasi
97 Va. L. Rev. 531

Is Democracy a Sound Basis for a Free Speech Principle?

By C. Edwin Baker
97 Va. L. Rev. 515

Participatory Democracy as the Central Value of American Free Speech Doctrine

By James Weinstein
97 Va. L. Rev. 491

Participatory Democracy and Free Speech

By Robert Post
97 Va. L. Rev. 477

The Untold Story of Rhode Island v. Innis: Justice Potter Stewart and the Development of Modern Self-Incrimination Doctrine

By Jesse Stewart
97 Va. L. Rev. 431

Toward Recognition of a Monetary Threshold in Campaign Finance Disclosure Law

By E. Rebecca Gantt
97 Va. L. Rev. 385

Conscience, Speech, and Money

By Micah Schwartzman
97 Va. L. Rev. 317

Prosecuting Federal Crimes in State Courts

By Michael G. Collins and Jonathan Remy Nash
97 Va. L. Rev. 243

Confronting Reality: Surrogate Forensic Science Witnesses Under the Confrontation Clause

By Nicholas Klaiber
97 Va. L. Rev. 199

Will Employers Undermine Health Care Reform by Dumping Sick Employees?

By Amy Monahan and Daniel Schwarcz
97 Va. L. Rev. 125