Browse Articles

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Experimentation and Patent Validity: Restoring the Supreme Court’s Incandescent Lamp Patent Precedent

By Kevin T. Richards
101 Va. L. Rev. 1545

Reassessing the Doctrine of Judicial Estoppel: The Implications of the Judicial Integrity Rationale

By Nicole C. Frazer
101 Va. L. Rev. 1501

Aligning Campaign Finance Law

By Nicholas O. Stephanopoulos
101 Va. L. Rev. 1425

Reading Statutes in the Common Law Tradition

By Jeffrey A. Pojanowski
101 Va. L. Rev. 1357

Taking Care of Federal Law

By Leah Litman
101 Va. L. Rev. 1289

Inside-Out: Beyond the Internal/External Distinction in Legal Scholarship

By Charles L. Barzun
101 Va. L. Rev. 1203

Politicians in Robes: The Separation of Powers and the Problem of Judicial Legislation

By The Honorable Diarmuid F. O’Scannlain
101 Va. L. Rev. Online 31

Clean Air Post-Healthcare: The Federalism Limits of the Spending Power and the Future of Environmental Regulation

By Sarah Buckley
101 Va. L. Rev. 807

Exiled from Education: Plyler v. Doe’s Impact on the Constitutionality of Long-Term Suspensions and Expulsions

By Robyn K. Bitner
101 Va. L. Rev. 763

Reasonable Expectations of Anonymity

By Jeffrey M. Skopek
101 Va. L. Rev. 691

The Original Source of the Cause of Action in Federal Courts: The Example of the Alien Tort Statute

By Anthony J. Bellia Jr. and Bradford R. Clark
101 Va. L. Rev. 609

Contract’s Role in Relational Contract

By Scott Baker and Albert Choi
101 Va. L. Rev. 559

Philosophical Inquiry and Historical Practice: A Commentary on Leiter’s “Marx, Law, Ideology, Legal Positivism”

By John Henry Schlegel
101 Va. L. Rev. 1197

Intellectual History and Constitutional Decision Making: A Commentary on Solum’s “Intellectual History as Constitutional Theory”

By G. Edward White
101 Va. L. Rev. 1165

Unintended Implications: A Commentary on Mikhail’s “The Constitution and the Philosophy of Language: Entailment, Implicature, and Implied Powers”

By Deborah Hellman
101 Va. L. Rev. 1105

A Commentary on Ristroph’s “Sovereignty and Subversion”

By Mark C. Murphy
101 Va. L. Rev. 1055

Redrawing the Dividing Lines Between Natural Law and Positivism(s): A Commentary on Priel’s “Toward Classical Legal Positivism”

By Jeffrey A. Pojanowski
101 Va. L. Rev. 1023

What Can The History of Jurisprudence Do For Jurisprudence? A Commentary on Schauer’s “The Path-Dependence of Legal Positivism”

By Steven Walt
101 Va. L. Rev. 977

Of Weevils and Witches: What Can We Learn from the Ghost of Responsibility Past? A Commentary on Lacey’s “Jurisprudence, History, and the Institutional Quality of Law”

By Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
101 Va. L. Rev. 947

Time-Mindedness and Jurisprudence: A Commentary on Postema’s “Jurisprudence, the Sociable Science”

By David Luban
101 Va. L. Rev. 903