Browse Articles

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Pragmatism and Principle: Intelligence Agencies and International Law

By Craig Forcese
102 Va. L. Rev. Online 67

Changing the Face of Urban America: Assessing the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit

By Kristin Niver
102 Va. L. Rev. Online 48

The Fox Searchlight Signal: Why Fox Searchlight Marks the Beginning of the End for Preferential Treatment of Unpaid Internships at Nonprofits

By Thomas Johnson
102 Va. L. Rev. 1127

Taking the Path Less Travelled: FOIA’s Impact on the Tension Between the D.C. Circuit and Vermont Yankee

By Matthew S. Brooker
102 Va. L. Rev. 1101

The Failure of Liability in Modern Markets

By Yesha Yadav
102 Va. L. Rev. 1031

Executive Federalism Comes to America

By Jessica Bulman-Pozen
102 Va. L. Rev. 953

Two Concepts of Discrimination

By Deborah Hellman
102 Va. L. Rev. 895

One Last Word on the Blackstone Principle

By Daniel Epps
102 Va. L. Rev. Online 34

“Spiritual But Not Religious”: Rethinking the Legal Definition of Religion

By Courtney Miller
102 Va. L. Rev. 833

Judicial Capacity and Executive Power

By Andrew Coan and Nicholas Bullard
102 Va. L. Rev. 765

“Necessary AND Proper” and “Cruel AND Unusual”: Hendiadys in the Constitution

By Samuel L. Bray
102 Va. L. Rev. 687

Confronting and Adapting: Intelligence Agencies and International Law

By Ashley S. Deeks
102 Va. L. Rev. 599

Patent Exhaustion and Federalism: A Historical Note

By Herbert Hovenkamp
102 Va. L. Rev. Online 25

The Interaction of Exhaustion and the General Law: A Reply to Duffy and Hynes

By Ariel Katz, Aaron Perzanowski, and Guy A. Rub
102 Va. L. Rev. Online 8

A Modest Proposal for Justice Scalia’s Seat

By Aneil Kovvali
102 Va. L. Rev. Online 1

Waiver by Removal? An Analysis of State Sovereign Immunity

By Jessica Wagner
102 Va. L. Rev. 549

When Thirteen is (Still) Greater Than Fourteen: The Continued Expansive Scope of Congressional Authority Under the Thirteenth Amendment in a Post-City of Boerne v. Flores World

By Samuel M. Strongin
102 Va. L. Rev. 501

Insider Trading in Commodities Markets

By Andrew Verstein
102 Va. L. Rev. 447

Constitutional Commitment to International Law Compliance?

By David H. Moore
102 Va. L. Rev. 367

Foreign Sovereigns as Friends of the Court

By Kristen E. Eichensehr
102 Va. L. Rev. 289