Browse Articles

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Entrenchment, Incrementalism, and Constitutional Collapse

By Michael D. Gilbert
103 Va. L. Rev. 631

The Untenable Case for Perpetual Dual-Class Stock

By Lucian A. Bebchuk & Kobi Kastiel
103 Va. L. Rev. 585

Presidents Lack the Authority to Abolish or Diminish National Monuments

By Mark Squillace, Eric Biber, Nicholas S. Bryner, & Sean B. Hecht
103 Va. L. Rev. Online 55

Copyright Owners’ Putative Interests in Privacy, Reputation, and Control: A Reply to Goold

By Wendy J. Gordon
103 Va. L. Rev. Online 36

Targeting Detached Corporate Intermediaries in the Terrorist Supply Chain: Dial 2339/13224 for Assistance?

By Lauren C. O'Leary
103 Va. L. Rev. 525

Religion Is Special Enough

By Christopher C. Lund
103 Va. L. Rev. 481

Information Gaps and Shadow Banking

By Kathryn Judge
103 Va. L. Rev. 411

Reorganizing Organizational Standing

By Ryan Baasch
103 Va. L. Rev. Online 18

Government Admissions and Federal Rule of Evidence 801(D)(2)

By Jared M. Kelson
103 Va. L. Rev. 355

The Economic Foundation of the Dormant Commerce Clause

By Michael S. Knoll and Ruth Mason
103 Va. L. Rev. 309

A Tactical Fourth Amendment

By Brandon Garrett and Seth Stoughton
103 Va. L. Rev. 211

Common Law vs. Statutory Bases of Patent Exhaustion

By John F. Duffy and Richard M. Hynes
103 Va. L. Rev. Online 1

(Un)limiting Administrative Review: Wind River, Section 2401(A), and the Right to Challenge Federal Agencies

By John Kendrick
103 Va. L. Rev. 157

Jettisoning “Jurisdictional”: Asserting the Substantive Nature of Supremacy Clause Immunity

By Stephen A. Cobb
103 Va. L. Rev. 107


By Mila Sohoni
103 Va. L. Rev. 31

Sovereign Immunity and the Constitutional Text

By William Baude
103 Va. L. Rev. 1

Crowdfunding and the Not-So-Safe SAFE

By Joseph M. Green & John F. Coyle
102 Va. L. Rev. Online 168

Retooling the Amicus Machine

By Michael E. Solimine
102 Va. L. Rev. Online 151

In Defense of the Secular Purpose Status Quo

By David R. Williams, Jr.
102 Va. L. Rev. 2075

Overcoming Overcorrection: Towards Holistic Military Sexual Assault Reform

By Greg Rustico
102 Va. L. Rev. 2027