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Federal Decentralization

By David Fontana
104 Va. L. Rev. 727

Justice Souter’s Common Law

By Charles L. Barzun
104 Va. L. Rev. 655

Regulation and Deregulation: The Baseline Challenge

By Kathryn Judge
104 Va. L. Rev. Online 101

Is Powell Still Valid? The Supreme Court’s Changing Stance on Cruel and Unusual Punishment

By Maria Slater
104 Va. L. Rev. 547

Mining for Meaning: An Examination of the Legality of Property Rights in Space Resources

By Amanda M. Leon
104 Va. L. Rev. 497

The Damagings Clauses

By Maureen E. Brady
104 Va. L. Rev. 341

Legal Innocence and Federal Habeas

By Leah M. Litman
104 Va. L. Rev. 417

Underwrites, Overrides, and Recovered Precedents

By Victoria Nourse
104 Va. L. Rev. Online 89

“Was that a Yes or a No?” Reviewing Voluntariness in Consent Searches

By James C. McGlinchy
104 Va. L. Rev. 301

Deregulation and the Subprime Crisis

By Paul G. Mahoney
104 Va. L. Rev. 235

Textualism and Statutory Precedents

By Anita S. Krishnakumar
104 Va. L. Rev. 157

The Living Anti-Injunction Act

By Daniel J. Hemel
104 Va. L. Rev. Online 74

“Don’t Elect Me”: Sheriffs and the Need for Reform in County Law Enforcement

By James Tomberlin
104 Va. L. Rev. 113

Fee-Shifting and Shareholder Litigation

By Albert H. Choi
104 Va. L. Rev. 59

Should the Rules Committees Have an Amicus Role?

By Scott Dodson
104 Va. L. Rev. 1

When White Supremacists Invade a City

By Richard C. Schragger
104 Va. L. Rev. Online 58

Payne v. City of Charlottesville and the Dillon’s Rule Rationale for Removal

By Amanda Lineberry
104 Va. L. Rev. Online 45

Your ‘Little Friend’ Doesn’t Say ‘Hello’: Putting the First Amendment Before the Second in Public Protests

By Kendall Burchard
104 Va. L. Rev. Online 30

Rethinking the Heckler’s Veto After Charlottesville

By Timothy E. D. Horley
104 Va. L. Rev. Online 8


By Farah Peterson
104 Va. L. Rev. Online 1