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What is Just Compensation?

By Wanling Su
105 Va. L. Rev. 1483

A Remedy but Not a Cure: Reevaluating the Status of the Booker Remedial Holding

By Brendan Woods
105 Va. L. Rev. 1427

Genetic Privacy After Carpenter

By Natalie Ram
105 Va. L. Rev. 1357

Appointments Without Law

By James Durling & E. Garrett West
105 Va. L. Rev. 1281

Letter to the Editor: Remembering Charlottesville 2017 and Engaging Black-Jewish Alliances

By Alexander Tsesis
105 Va. L. Rev. Online 149

Garbage Pulls Under the Physical Trespass Test

By Tanner M. Russo
105 Va. L. Rev. 1217

Standing to Challenge the Lost Cause

By Amanda Lineberry
105 Va. L. Rev. 1177

Insincere Evidence

By Michael D. Gilbert & Sean P. Sullivan
105 Va. L. Rev. 1115

Constructing Originalism or: Why Professors Baude and Sachs Should Learn to Stop Worrying and Love Ronald Dworkin

By Charles L. Barzun
105 Va. L. Rev. Online 128

Right to Be Educated or Right to Choose? School Choice and Its Impact on Education in North Carolina

By Will Robertson & Virginia Riel
105 Va. L. Rev. 1079

Faux Contracts

By Cathy Hwang
105 Va. L. Rev. 1025

The Myth of Common Law Crimes

By Carissa Byrne Hessick
105 Va. L. Rev. 965

Paved in Good Intentions: The Venerable Aims and Unique Vulnerabilities of Purportedly Independent Committees

By Russell Spivak & Alex Gazikas
105 Va. L. Rev. Online 112

Self-Policing: Dissemination and Adoption of Police Eyewitness Policies in Virginia

By Brandon L. Garrett
105 Va. L. Rev. Online 96

Pardoning Contempt—Reconsidering the Criminal-Civil Divide

By Michael Weisbuch
105 Va. L. Rev. 931

Confining Cases to Their Facts

By Daniel B. Rice & Jack Boeglin
105 Va. L. Rev. 865

Combating Silence in the Profession

By Veronica Root Martinez
105 Va. L. Rev. 805

“Standing” and Remedial Rights in Administrative Law

By Caleb Nelson
105 Va. L. Rev. 703

Super PACs, Personal Data, and Campaign Finance Loopholes

By Samir Sheth
105 Va. L. Rev. 655

Corporate Disestablishment

By James D. Nelson
105 Va. L. Rev. 595