Massachusetts v. EPA: The Inconvenient Truth About Precedent

Every so often, the Supreme Court renders a decision that is difficult to separate from the politics of the day—not that Justices consciously promote a political party or purpose, but sometimes political inclinations insinuate themselves into the Justices’ thinking in a way that colors their approach and tilts toward one outcome. It happens less often and less boldly than is often supposed. But it does happen.

This Term’s decision in Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency (“Mass. v. EPA”) is just such a decision. In their eagerness to promote government action to address global warming, the Justices stretch, twist, and torture administrative law doctrines to avoid the inconvenient truth that this is not a matter on which judges have any real role to play.

The Significance of Massachusetts v. EPA

Last month, the Supreme Court handed down its decision inMassachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency(“Mass. v. EPA”), its first case dealing with climate change. The decision was an enormous, if narrow, victory for environmentalists: it legitimized their concerns about global warming and their claims that the administration was not doing what it should to address it. Whether the decision was a great victory for the environment remains to be seen, but it will affect the policy debate for years to come.

Criminal Law’s “Mediating Rules”: Balancing, Harmonization, or Accident?

Before offering a few thoughts about Professors Richard Bierschbach and Alex Stein’s “Mediating Rules in Criminal Law,” I would like to highlight just two of the several significant contributions it makes to the criminal law literature. First, it both spotlights and combats the tendency of theoretical work in criminal law, particularly work in the retributivist camp, to focus on certain criminal justice issues at the expense of others. Such work typically orients itself toward (admittedly crucial) questions about the proper justification, scope, and amount of punishment in the abstract, while giving significantly less consideration to the various institutional and procedural aspects of any concrete system of imposing such punishment. Even if the substantive punishment rules were perfect, their implementation in any real world scheme would involve compromises, if not outright distortions. Too little attention is paid to the translation of principle into practice, and Bierschbach and Stein’s article is a welcome effort to bridge that gap.